Trung tâm nghiên cứu phát triển vật liệu mới Mega Việt Nam
  1. Tiếng Việt



Hanoi, a summer day in May 2020, I received a call early with the announcement that I would support my boss in the plan to transfer Alkyd paint to a paint manufacturing customer.


Hanoi, a summer day in May 2020, I received a call early with the announcement that I would support my boss in the plan to transfer Alkyd paint to a paint manufacturing customer. Right after that, I planned to do experimental research, preparing for the upcoming transfer plan.

With a temperature of nearly 40°C, just standing in the lab for 20 minutes would have soaked the newly purchased cotton shirt with sweat, but the preparation for delivery did not slow down the progress. Experimental Alkyd paint samples were gradually complete, the colors white, black, blue, sepia, and gray. The technical indicators are gradually completed, and the problems have been calculated and thoroughly handled so that the risk can be minimized. With the spirit of enthusiastic research, the R&D team with the support of the QC team has completed the research and preparation work, so I believe it is the necessary attitude for this technology transfer case.

alkyd paint

Technology transfer start date at partner's factory. There are a huge agitator and a huge crasher. Grinding the first batch of paint has quite a lot of problems, especially when grinding black is quite time-consuming but does not reach the required fineness, the problem is because the crusher is not working efficiently. The grinding ball stuck in the mill basket groove, needs to be adjusted during the day to not be behind schedule. Progress has been accelerated, grinding jobs and finished product QC has become more stable, some paint drying time issues need to be corrected, and some arguments have arisen between me and my partner's technicians to come up with the best solutions. The next day, based on the plans exchanged between the two parties, the next batch of finished paint was better, and the previous problems were fixed. Looking at the workers packing the paint into the cans, I'm delighted that the product we've been researching has finally made it to market.

On the last day, I handed over some samples and evaluation samples for technical partners. “Brother, today is the last day of the transfer, I hand over some work to you, thank you for supporting me these past few days. I will fly to Hanoi tomorrow, bye-bye” my message to the technical staff of the partner. The days of working together collaborating, debating yes, drinking beer together yes, and ending with a successful transfer.

The memories of the first time going to technology transfer are interesting.

End of chapter 1.

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Office Address: Floor 2-A2-IA20, Nam Thang Long Urban Area, Pham Van Dong Street, Dong Ngac Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Research Center: Nhue hamlet - Kim Chung village - Dong Anh district - Hanoi - Viet Nam


Tel: (+84) 24 375 89089; Fax: (+84) 24 375 89098
